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Ask the Angels ~ Sydney Sessions: Expression of Interest

Launching soon! - 1st of May


Sydney's Northern Beaches

Expereince the Divine wisdom and energy of the Archangel realm, channeled through Kimberley in our in-person group events.

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Read more about Kimberley
Ask the Angels ~ Sydney Sessions: Expression of Interest
Ask the Angels ~ Sydney Sessions: Expression of Interest

Time & Location

Launching soon! - 1st of May

Sydney's Northern Beaches

About the Event

Location: Sydney's Northern Beaches for initial launch

Join Kimberley for these powerfully enlightening and healing group events

~ About ~

Kimberley is a Counsellor, Ascension Teacher, Light Language Alchemist, Reiki Therapist, and Channel for various non physical love based beings. These beings refer to themselves as the Beings of The Light and speak through Kimberley, bringing forth the Ascension Teachings to you. For our Ask the Angels, in-person group events, Kimberley will be trance channeling the Archangel realm with these teachings, and opening it up to you the audience, with your questions answered by the Archangels, through Kimberley.

These highly advanced teachings brought forth consist of Universal Laws, esoteric knowledge, and teachings of Oneness, to assist you in the remembering of who you truly are by raising your energy vibration. The remembering is an enlightenment process, where you work through and let go of your limiting beliefs and irrational fears, while increasing self love and self worth. You then start seeing yourself and the world around you through the truth of who you truly are. That truth is that you are a powerful eternal being of pure love, who is One with All That Is. These teachings allow you to live an empowered life, living in alignment with who you truly are, and within the higher perspective of how physical reality truly works. Ultimately, the Ascension Teachings allows you to live more in freedom, with both knowledge and practical tools to transcend perceived limitations and fear, to live a life full of love, joy, and courageously exploring your life purpose. Additionally, as Kimberley will be channeling the Archangel realm, you also experience a deeply healing presence, as well as receiving energy based activations from the energies elicited and transmitted within the session. 

~ Kimberley and the Angels ~

Kimberley started seeing angelic beings in her adolescent years, having them comfort and radiate their love to her throughout her life. Then with Divine timing at the beginning of 2017, Kimberley was able to embody the Archangels and other Beings of The Light, allowing her to trance channel them and have them speak out of her, as well as provide healing and ascension modalities through her.

~ Event time and location ~



Event date: 1st of May

Please register your expression of interest, and you will be notified when more details become available

The Ask the Angels group events will be initially held in Sydney's Northern Beaches, with the possibility of hosting the events in various locations across Sydney.

~ RSVP now to register your interest for this powerful event ~

Tickets: $30 - No payment required until we are ready to host

You will receive event confirmation and payment details via your registered email when the event will be going ahead

~ Online Events ~

Throughout each month, Kimberley hosts online group events with people from all over the world, and you're invited to join us!

See more here ~

~ Watch previous online events with the Archangel Realm ~

Watch some of our previous, online channeling events with the Archangels here ~

Channeling Archangel Zadkeil ~ Unveiling the Collective Shift of Consciousness

Channeling Archangel Gabriel ~ Birthing New Realities & Purpose of BEing

Channeling Archangel Raphael ~ Keys for Self Healing & the Activation of Healing in Others

Channeling Archangel Metatron ~ Experiencing Oneness Energy in Your Physical Reality


Contact Kimberley here

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