~ Worldwide Services ~

Guidance Services
Ascension Channelling Sessions
Receive live coaching from the Beings of The Light, your Spirit Guides of Universal consciousness, through Kimberley. The beings that come through in session are your guides that are currently working with you at your forefront. The beings will discuss how you can empower your life and highlight higher perspectives of what is occurring behind the scenes of your reality. The Ascension Teachings brought into each session consist of metaphysical insights and Universal Laws that highlight the Law of Attraction and Law of Oneness, assisting you to live an empowered life, living in alignment with your divine Higher Self and divine reality. Ultimately, the Ascension Teachings assists you to live more in freedom, with both knowledge and practical tools to transcend perceived limitations and fear, to live a life full of love, joy, and courageously exploring your life purpose.
Ascension Channelling Private Video Message
Send in your question to be answered with a private video guidance message from the Beings of The Light. Do you have a particular challenge you would like some clarifying insight into? Do you have a particular question that has been with you for some time, and seek to have the elusive 'aha' moment?
Therapy Services
High Dimensional Therapy (HDT)
Experience personal channelling sessions through this exclusive and unique healing approach, that Kimberley was guided to create with the Beings of The Light. These sessions combine channelling with counselling techniques, to assist you in working through your life challenges, relationship issues, or Dark Night of the Soul. The session is run like a therapy session, however it's conducted through channelling a divine love being of a high loving and compassionate energy. As such, you also experience a deeply healing presence from the channelling experience, as well as healing approaches based on love, compassion, and Oneness teachings. HDT also consists of a channelled, guided meditation which includes Sacred Sound Alchemy, a Light Language activation through vocalisation, to assist you in connecting to your heart centre and your true divine self. This prepares you energetically for the session journey. If you are ready to explore who you are and perceived challenges in your life from a higher, metaphysical healing perspective, then you are ready for HDT.
Ascension Counselling
Have a heart-to-heart with Kimberley about current challenges. Work through and process inner blocks, limiting beliefs and emotional distress, including facilitating the transformational healing journey of the Dark Night of the Soul. You will also receive insights for empowering your personal, professional, and spiritual development. Counselling approaches include Person-Centred, Strength-Based, and Positive Psychology, combined with Kimberley’s intuitive, heart connection approach.
* All video sessions come with a video recording
For service prices please click here