An Introduction
To understand the spiritual formula behind the Oneness Mirror Method (OMM), let’s briefly discuss the foundations of my work with the ascension teachings, which are spiritual laws and principles at the core of the OMM. The ascension teachings contain principles and practices to assist in healing and consciousness expansion and are all focused on the higher universal truths of unconditional love and Oneness. Unconditional love is the perspective of the Universe, of Spirit, which involves being in a state of acceptance with all that arises within our reality, to move us from limiting and fear-based consciousness, into limitless, love-based energy and consciousness. Oneness is our true state of being, a shared universal consciousness that we experience in a microcosm form as an individual. Our very being is a microcosm of the Universe. As such, there is no separation between Spirit and each other, only the illusion of it. These higher truths of who we and all others truly are, help us navigate our life and the challenges within it in a transformational way, where we raise our consciousness to perceive ourselves, others, and our reality through the spiritual lens of a loving Universe.
Integrating these ascension teachings into our life allows us to live in emotional freedom, knowing that all in our reality serves a higher purpose for us in love, and in guiding us to connect to the wisdom of our Higher Self and the Universe. This higher purpose is to help us manifest a life of love, and joy, and fulfilling our life’s calling, through being in vibrational alignment with the Universe, through aligning our thoughts, perspectives, and actions with unconditional love and Oneness. It’s both a perception and mindset shift with spiritually aligned action, in which we journey to consciously remember that we are all unconditional love and that we are One with All That Is. It is the ultimate transformational journey to remember in our human presence that we are complete and perfect in every way, as we are the Universe in living, breathing form. We are the microcosm of the Universe itself, and as such, our outer reality reflects our inner reality. This reflects the ancient hermetic law of “As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul”.
Our reality, therefore, reflects our thoughts, beliefs, emotions, and soul intentions for this life. Much of our inner reality however can be unconscious. It is through our emotional triggers that we can bring awareness to our inner reality, and in turn, shift our consciousness to become spiritually aligned to the love and wisdom of the Universe, aligning ourselves to our highest potential and highest joy. It is here where we ultimately remember that we are already enlightened, we have just forgotten collectively who we truly are. This is our collective journey, allowing the contrast of our human experience to act as a catalyst for self-awareness, peeling away the densified layers of our limiting beliefs and conditionings to reveal the truth, the remembering of our true divine nature.
We, however, do not have to emotionally suffer through these self-awareness catalysts. It is by shifting how we perceive and manage fear-based emotions that allow us to align to emotional and spiritual empowerment. Drawing on these transformational and enlightening teachings, I have created the 3 step process of the Oneness Mirror Method. This method is a powerful spiritual formula to help shift us back to love and Oneness whenever we fall back into our spiritual amnesia, whenever we have a felt experience of fear, an experience of triggered negative emotions within us. We all experience this as part of the human experience, however, we can use this as an empowering spiritual catalyst to find our way back to Self, to love, and to remember that we are One with All That Is. I intend that this spiritual formula of the OMM for emotional freedom and higher awareness guides you back to your greatest joy, and guides you home to remember how powerful you truly are when you choose unity and unconditional love.
The Oneness Mirror Method
The Oneness Mirror method or OMM for short, involves 3 consciousness-shifting aspects, shifting perceptions, shifting heart awareness, and shifting mindset. The 3 step acronym of PCA, can also help you to easily remember the formula involved.
1. Perceive Oneness: Shifting Perception
Perceive the Universal Spiritual Mirror, that is, perceiving all others as a unique reflection of yourself, of all others, of the One infinite intelligence stream of consciousness that is the Universe. As part of this reflection, when you have emotions triggered within you by another, they are reflecting your vibration and your beliefs, reflecting both your empowering beliefs and your disempowering, limiting beliefs. These limiting beliefs are based on fear-based thoughts and perceptions of self, others, and reality. These are the beliefs that get triggered when you experience negative emotions. When triggered, perceive others and all conditions in their true spiritual state - unconditional love, playing the role of your spiritual master teacher in disguise, all from a place of higher love for you, because you are ready to face the growth opportunity at hand. These spiritual teachers in disguise and the loving Universe, provide you with spiritual lessons, all to help you graduate to a higher level of love consciousness. Perceive these events as opportunities to raise your energy vibration for higher conscious awareness, for healing, and to feel more love and joy.
2. Cultivate Acceptance, Compassion & Gratitude Within Your Heart: Shifting Heart Awareness
Cultivate acceptance for all people and conditions involved in the triggering event, including yourself, to allow for feelings of compassion and gratitude within your heart to be cultivated with more ease, and to realign your emotional state and energy to unconditional love.
Cultivate feelings of compassion from within your heart energy and direct it to yourself, to all people and conditions involved in the triggering event, to help you let go of any energetic blocks, allowing you to more easily receive intuitive clarity of the spiritual messages involved. Cultivate empathetic compassion towards the other person for the possible reasons for their initial fear trigger, despite how it is mirroring your beliefs. This person may be unconsciously expressing their great fears, anxieties, and even traumas. It is an unconscious call to be loved unconditionally, and you can be that person in that moment. Cultivate and express empathetic curiosity by giving them space to process their fears. You may ask something like “I sense you are going through something else that is difficult, did you want to talk about it? By holding unconditional acceptance and compassion for another in fear, you connect more deeply through Oneness consciousness, promoting healing and higher awareness for yourself and for the others involved.
Cultivate gratitude for the soul lessons of these spiritual tasks, to give you opportunities to heal and expand your consciousness, as well as help to empower others.
3. Ask About Your Limiting Beliefs & Soul Lessons and Affirm Change: Shifting Mindset
Acquire awareness of your limiting beliefs with more ease from being in a non-resistant, non-defensive, state of being. Ask your higher, Spiritual Self, “What limiting beliefs that I hold are now being triggered? What limiting beliefs are behind this soul lesson? What limiting beliefs do I need to shift at this moment to create positive change?” Ask these internal questions during the event, otherwise, if it is too challenging, ask about them as soon as can afterward. You may like to journal the questions and responses for deeper insights.
Acknowledge any limiting thoughts and replace them with thoughts of a spiritual, higher love nature. Solidify your empowering thoughts and turn them into empowering beliefs by using an affirmation that is tailored to your specific belief that was triggered, to be used whenever a similar trigger is experienced by you. An example could be, “I am in full control of my sense of inner power, for I am a vessel of loving grace and remain anchored in my sense of loving self-worth”. Another example could be, “I align myself to loving trust with others as I know they are an instrument of the Universe, and I trust completely the will of the Universe in loving surrender”.
Your Proof of the Shift
You will notice, even if it is subtle, a sense of relief or weight lifting off you, which indicates you have released energy blocks and have vibrationally realigned yourself to the love of the Universe, aligning with the consciousness of your Higher Self. Congratulations! You will also notice the dynamics of the challenging encounters with others shift on their own due to a mirroring of your new empowered energy vibration by applying the Oneness Mirror Method.
Also, note that the PCA formula created for the Oneness Mirror Method can also be used independently of each other for general purposes of raising your vibration and consciousness, assisting in emotional healing and well-being, and living more in joy.
Watch a short talk on the OMM through the link below
Love & Light ~ and the journey towards remembering it.
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📸 Photo by Caroline Veronez